3 Tips Why Every Small Business Should Have A Blog
What is a blog? 🤔. A blog gives us a way to communicate with our readers about any topic we want to discuss. All small business website should have pages that explain each one of their products and services. If these web pages have high quality content then there really isn’t many reasons that they should needed editing. So what can you do further grow you online presence? BLOG! Here are 3 tips why every small business should have a blog.
1- Talk about you industry. Let’s face it, we can all talk about our businesses inside and out. So let’s write about it. A blog post can offer tips about your industry to your readers that may help them. A good blog post can be reasons why your customers need a particular service or product that you offer. Explaining a service on one of your web pages is different that really going in depth about a particular topic. For instance:
Benjamin Marc is a full service marketing agency that offers a variety of services. Once of our main services is web design. Of course we have a website design page that breaks down the service in it’s entirety. We also have several blogs that talk about individual topics pertaining to website design such as:
In closing, a blog topic can help grow each particular service that you offer.
3 Tips Why Every Small Business Should Have A Blog
2- Company News. Do you hire new employees? Are you constantly add products or services? Do you ever promote your staff? These are 3 good reasons to blog. The more content you can provide readers the better!
3- SEO. Did we mention that blog content writing helps SEO. 😀 Yes it does. As an SEO company one of the tasks in our scope is blog writing and distribution. High quality content is a key element for a successful seo marketing plan.
We hope you have enjoyed 3 tips why every small business should have a blog.
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