3 Web Design Tips Before You Optimize Your Website
You’re building a website and starting and SEO campaign. Congratulations! Whether you are hiring an SEO company or doing it yourself there are somethings that simply cannot be ignored. Once these key elements are applied to your website it makes it much easier to start your search engine optimization plan. It doesn’t matter if your building your website from scratch or using a content management system website the same rules still apply. Here are 3 web design tips before you optimize your website.
There are a lot of great writers that blog about web design tips that are very helpful to website owners. We are going to go outside the box and mention tips that aren’t always talked about. Enjoy!
1- Web Hosting. Web hosting and domain name selection play a vital role in web design and SEO. You should do research on the web hosting providers that you select. Read reviews about speed and server downtime. Those 2 components could effect your web presence. A website being down can negatively impact your rankings in the search engines. As for your domain names, we find it helpful if the name is registered for more than 1 year.
Here are 3 web design tips before you optimize your website
For web hosting we suggest getflywheel.com
2- SSL Certificates. Ok, this has become a major one. Over the last few years search engines have made this almost mandatory. Google Chrome is one of the biggest web browsers out there. They started implementing a section in search bar showing if a website is secure or not. This is a simply fix or addition. Most domain name registrars offer SSL Certificates, simply buy one and apply it to your server.
3- Google. Google has so many great resources that we all can take advantage of. We plan on discussing more of them in upcoming blogs. For now let’s just discuss Google Analytics & webmaster tools. Once web design company, Benjamin Marc has finished your website (Plug). We always implement Google Analytics & webmaster tools. We do this as a courtesy for our clients whether or not they retain us as their internet marketing needs. Google analytics is a website data tracker showing users, location, duration on your site and more. Google webmaster tools which shows insights to your website, gives you the ability to submit a sitemap and much more. We hope you enjoyed 3 web design tips before you optimize your website.
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