3 Ways To Make Your Website Easier For Users To Navigate
When building a website you want to check off as many boxes as you can making it easier for your visitors. One of your website’s main goal is to promote your products and services. As a web design company we explain to our clients that the more information you give about your company, the better. Online visitors are jumping from website to website to find the best vendor to suit their needs. We want to do as much as possible to keep them on your website. How do we do this you ask? đŸ¤”Content, for starters. But, this blog is not about content writing. (If you want to read about content, check out 5 ways to add content to a webpage) Simply put, you keep online visitors on your website by engaging content and making it easy for them to learn about you. Here are 3 ways to make your website easier for users to navigate.
3 Ways To Make Your Website Easier For Users To Navigate
1-Build a web page for each service. Whether you are in the service business or you sell products you should have detailed web pages. Having a separate web page for each service you provide is important. Potential clients want to get right to the point. So point them in the right direction. For instance, say you are a web design company but you provide other services as well. Built separate web pages for those particular services. Give as much information as you can about each service.
2-Make a contact and a receive a quote page. A contact or a receive a quote page should be visible as many places as you can on your website. Do not make a visitor search to find your contact information. Have you phone number & email visible on every web page. A call to action should be implemented several times throughout the website. If a potential client has to search to find your contact information chances are your going to loose them.
3-Speed. Test the speed of your website. Remember a large majority of website users are searching on their phones & tablets. If they are competing with wifi speed & you have a slow website. This could be bad. There is no reason why a website should be slow. There are multiple ways to optimize your website so it runs faster.
We hope you enjoyed reading 3 ways to make your website easier for users to navigate. If you have questions, give us a call.
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