Phrase Your SEO Keywords Into A Question
Now that you have built your website the next step is to start some form of marketing. Search engine optimization and pay per click advertising have been two major powerhouses when it comes to online marketing. Whether you hire an SEO company that handles both or you try to do it yourself the proper keyword research is important. Some strategies call for placing our keywords into paragraph form. Another alternative is to phrase your SEO keywords into a question. First let’s focus on researching local and non local competition of yours. You will start to see a trend of each competitor and the keywords they use within their website. Second, there are a few online keyword planning tools to use to gauge search traffic. These two methods have helped us when setting a marketing plan for our clients. Now that we have done that research that applies to our niche, how can we phrase your seo keywords into a question?
Phrase Your SEO Keywords Into A Question
Statistics show that some people search online in the form of a question. Search engines are so intuitive these days that they can take our questions and give us web results with a perfect match. This begs the question, should we put some questions and answers on our website? Will this help bring more traffic? Guess what? 🤔. It’s been done for years. It’s called a frequently asked questions page, also known as Faqs. An faq’s page is a great way to phrase your SEO keywords into a question. Let’s show a couple of examples:
Let’s say you are a chimney repair company in Asheville, North Carolina. A simple search would be Chimney Repair Asheville. Yes, this would work But! What if you can phrase a question like this?
Most reputable chimney repair company in Asheville. This might be more difficult to put into a paragraph but it is easier to form it into a question such as:
How do I find a reputable chimney repair company in Asheville?
Example 2
You are a Long Island screen printing company. Your question might read like this:
What are the top Long Island screen printing companies with the best reviews?
Using keywords in question form allows us to word it the way a person may search it. It also gives us an opportunity to sprinkle in more precious keywords. We hope you like how to phrase your seo keywords into a question.
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